Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Human nature - the Gift of Emotion

Various theories regarding emotion have been offered up for centuries.  The early philosophers speculated about the meaning and source of emotions in humans - but what is emotion and why do we all have them? 
Do some research regarding the theories of emotion, beginning with evolution.
In your post, explain what emotion is and why it may be an adaptive feature to humans in our quest for survival.  Your focus question then is: How would emotions allow humans to survive and be successful in the world?

Emotion is the complex psychophysiological experience of an individual's state of mind as interacting with biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences. In humans, emotion fundamentally involves "physiological arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience." Emotion is associated with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation. Motivations direct and energize behavior, while emotions provide the affective component to motivation, positive or negative.

Fear, in particular, is highly controlling and difficult to deal with. It was a helpful motivator when vision detected an approaching tiger, and in that situation immediate action made perfect sense. But in today’s very different world, the experience of fear often leads to inappropriate behavior — or immobilizes people, preventing appropriate action. Unfortunately, human beings are not good at assessing risk.

Friday, October 7, 2011

what do you want know about Althemier Disease

Have you ever heard a disease called Alzheimer's Disease( AD)?
Do you know what is Alzheimer's Disease?
it is a cruel brain damage illness. The main symptoms of AD relate to memory impairment. for example such like difficulty speaking and understanding language. AD progresses to ever more serious memory loss. In addition,patients experience confusion, depression, hallucinations, sleeplessness and loss of appetite.       it is a suffering for the patients, also their family.
      From the video- "The forgetting" we learned to know what will the patients turned to be like after they got Althemier's Diseas, and how long could they live after they got this illness. how their family got suffer and put them in a grief.
     "Altheizmer's Disease" , was named by a German psychologist who was named Alois.
      In 1901, he observed a patient names  Auguste Deter; who was the first patient has discovered with Altheizmer Disease;.    and the World War 2 brought the technology about a model of how brain works.
      From this video, I got know that the human being would get 7% chance to have Altheizmer's disease when they are up to 75 years old. because while people are getting older, our brains' funcions are failing slowly as well, and once the disease start to attack our  brain function, and that cause it failed so much sooner.
         second of all, some psychlogist found out that it often occur on young women. the disease jujst block out the connection between memories, that cause patients lost LST forever.  so they will forgot everything happend in their life before long time ago, forget their lovers, their family members, their hoem address, they would have a totally different personality. those are the why their family members are suffering, because they need someone can look after them for 24 hours perday.
        third of all, AD is not cureable till now. psychlogist and doctors dont have much chance to explore it and it has a difficulty to cure because it is just hard to see inside in patients brain, so there is limited experiment.  Based on this situation, many people died on AD even some really famous people like: Reagan.