Sunday, March 25, 2012

how do stereotypes changes our views of world?

First of all, we should know what is stereotype. The definition of stereotype in psychological way is no more likely the way people think is in general. Stereotype is the way how people view a group of people or a thing base on the experiences before either limited information we have known before. Stereotype can be uses on a helpful way either on a nasty way. Somehow, people use stereotypes to view out-groups differently base on race, gender and so on. As explicit discrimination has receded in the last 2 decades; in the elevation of an African-American to the Presidency, a woman to the House speakership and a black woman to the galactic dominance known as being Oprah Winfrey… Overall, it has brought up a question to psychologist: Is discrimination is less powerful? How to explain the phenomena that some groups in society continue to fare wores than others? Has bias merely become better hidden, or there is something else?
       One theory has been discovered from it among sociologists called Stereotype Threat. So what is Stereotype Threat? Is that the force work among those groups of people to feel worse? It has shown that stereotype threat is that some members of stigmatized groups, when faced with stressful situations, expect themselves to do worse – a prophecy (foreshadowing) that fulfills itself.
       Stereotype effect our judgement of first impression when we meet strangers. we are biased by the information form the first impression, it has called as confirmation- bias.  People form impression very fast; because we don't need to see much of a person to get a fairly accurate picture of who they are, it is called as Thin slices.  
      Of course, we might wonder what actually helped us form the impression.  What are the effect of being perceive in a certain way? From the experiment of Pygmalion Effect by Rosenthal and Jackson, we got know that expectation really matter. The purpose of the experiment was support that hypothsis that reality can be influenced by the expectation of others.