Monday, November 14, 2011

Emotion and Memory = Flashbulb Memory? -copy right from Mr. D

At first i think we need knw what is a Flashbulb Memory.
A flashbulb memory is a highly detailed, exceptionally vivid 'snapshot' of the moment and circumstances in which a piece of surprising and consequential (or emotionally arousing) news was heard.

Research each of the studies listed below relating to FBM (flashbulb memory) and post your responses on your blog.  Post each one as a separate entry and include one picture along with links to the sites where you acquired your information.

Explain the study – Brown & Kulik (1977)
  • What was the aim of the study?
         Investigate whether dramatic, or personally significant events can cause "flashbulb" memories
  • Explain in 2-3 sentences, the procedure of this study
            the procedure of this study was using a  retrospective questionnaire assessed the memories of 80 US past for the conditions when the surprise news was learned from public events.

  • What were the findings of this study?
     flashbulb memory more likely for unexpected and personally relevant shocking events
  • What is the conclusion from this study?
   Dramatic events can cause a physiological imprinting of a memory of the event
  • Explain one limitation (weakness) of this study.
     Data collected through questionnaires, so it is impossible to verify the accuracy of memories reported.

Explain the study – Neisser & Harsch (1992)
  • What was the aim of the study?
            suggest that FBMs may not be as accurate or permanent as the theory states.

  • Explain in 2-3 sentences, the procedure of this study
             A questionnaire was administered to 106 participants on the day after the space-shuttle exploded (Jan 1996). Among the questions asked were 5 about how they heard the news: where they were, what they were doing, who told them, what time it occurred etc. Thirty-two months later the participants were asked to complete the questionnaire again and their results compared to the original.

  • What were the findings of this study?
               the participants' memories of how they learned the news about challenger changed over time. Assuming Paticipants were more accurate one day after the disaster, it can be concluded that their memories about how they had heard the news deteriorated significantly during the subsequent two and half years. This suggests that FBMs are not very reliable.

  • What is the conclusion from this study?
               FBMs may be ordinary memories.

  • Explain one limitation (weakness) of this study.
            They do not include a control condition to allow for a comparison between normal memories and flashbulb memories. They simply assume that flashbulb memories are better remembered than other kinds of memories.

Explain the study – Talarico & Rubin (2003)
  • What was the aim of the study?

  • Explain in 2-3 sentences, the procedure of this study
           participants to recall the events of 9.11 2001 on 4 occasions: 1, 7 ,42 and 224 days after the attack. they also tested the participants' memory for an everyday with the attack. once more, memory was tested 4 times, following the same time arrangements used for the recall of the attack.

  • What were the findings of this study?
            FBMs remained very vivid throughout the study.

  • What is the conclusion from this study?

  • Explain one limitation (weakness) of this study. 

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