Monday, February 20, 2012

error of attribution

1. What is the difference between dispositional factors and situational factors?
     A situational factor would be things outside once immediate control, eg, the enviornment, the actions of a person they dont know, or it could even be like the equipment one uses. For example: Floods happen close to your hometown. you would feel fear and sadness, fear if the flood will continue moving to your town. sadness for the neighbor town's  damage.
     Dispositional factor has to do with a person ( internal) impact like an action or even that changed you or affected you psychologically. For example: you have been bited by an  dog when you were little, then once you grown up, but the fear of dog will never disappear, because you have such experiment tells you dog is dangerous.
2. Explain and give an example of the fundamental error of attribution.
     The fundamental attribution error happens all the time in our lives.  It happens when we are estimating someone we dont really know by some of the behavior or clue we perceive from that person. For example: when people are driving the cars, out of sudden an driver drive rashly and cut line infront of you  without any warn. Then you would be mad at that driver and give a bad impression to him/her, because he is rude and stupid to cut the line infront of you without any warn. Or, you would think maybe he/ she has something really important that she/he forgot the rule and that is more understandable.

3. Explain and give an example of the self-serving-bias error of attribution.
    A self-serving bias is when a person describes their own behavior and tend to choose attributions that are favorable to themselves. Which means that people like to take credit for their good actions and let the situation account for their bad actions. For example:  I did not do well on the mock exam, if you ask me why i didnt do well? I would blame for some external conditions immediately, like: it was too noisy out there, or i did not sleep well, i was ill. but I wont say, i did not do well because im stupid nor i m a bad student. That is Self-serving- bias.

4. Explain two possible explanations for these errors.
  people are having the  fundamental attribution error is because we are judging or complimenting someone by the first impression and we dont think any deeply.
   But on the self-serving- bias, people are always trying to get compliment from the others when they have done something right because  they feel good about themselves, but people usually dont want take responsibility when they make mistakes, so people would let the situation account for their mistakes but not themselves.
5. What does the study by Miyamoto and Kitayama tell us about cultural differences in attribution errors?
    it tells us that people from individualist cultures are more inclined to make fundamental- attribution error hat people from collectivist culture. And the research suggest that individualist cultures engage in self-serving bias more than do collectivist cultures

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