Sunday, September 16, 2012

research methodology

   In the research methodology, there are 3 main types of experiments, which are laboratory, field, and natural ( Quasi).
  1.      Laboratory is the most common type experiment in psychology. Laboratory is a test that is in a under controlled condition so it can ensure the validity of the study. The participants need to sign the consents before they start doing the experiment.As the most common using method, it has some great strength.The 2 major strengths in lboratory are that it is usually the have the highest levels of reliablity due to the method, and it allows valid cause- effect conclusion in terms of the variables measured because of the certainty gained by control over extraneous variable. it however,has some limitation as well. Due to the artificiality, the experiment is not in a real life environment, which can cause distress to participants, which can narrow down the range of behaviors the participants give. it is also difficult to avoid the demand characteristics, which people can figure out what is the experiment is about, and give the answer the research wants instead of speak out the truth. the other concerns are base on the unrepresentative sampling, that might not apply to the whole society, and the ethical consideration.

        2. A field experiment is an experiment that is conducted in a more realistic situation. In field experiments the participants are not usually aware that they are participating in an experiment.
Field experiments are usually high validity in environment and may avoid the demand characteristics as the participants are unaware of the experiment. In field experiment, however, shows a difficulty to control confounding variable, and they takes time consuming and hard to conduct. In field experiments, the participants are not usually informed to a consent and it brings trouble on debriefing participant .

        3. A Quasi experiment is where the independent variable is occur by the researcher but happens naturally. Unlike the true experiment participants are through random assignment, the quasi experiment the researcher take the pre-existing conditions like ages, sex. The strength of quasi experiments is that participants are often unaware the participating.
        Due to its ethical and practical experiment, Quasi experiments are very common in psychology.


1 comment:

  1. # ADHD & ADD

    ADHD er en psykiatrisk diagnose gitt til personer som oppfyller et minimumskrav for kriterier relatert til kroniske forekomster av hyperaktivitet, impulsivitet og / eller vanskeligheter knyttet til organisering og oppmerksomhet...
